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Ultrasound Therapeutic

Ultrasound Therapeutic Chiropractor

The Idaho Chiropractic Group offers excellent chiropractor services in Boise, ID, including ultrasound therapy. Ultrasound serves many purposes in the health industry. It is used to diagnose, administer medication, and to treat conditions that used to require surgery or painful patience, like gall stones. Its purpose for the chiropractor is to treat injured joints, ligaments, muscles, and tendons.

Ultrasound Therapeutic Technique

Since the 1940s health professionals, mostly occupational and physical therapists, have been using this technology. High-frequency sound waves are used to stimulate tissue just beneath the surface of the skin and musculoskeletal injuries. It is used to treat sudden issues like sprains, strains, and chronic ailments such as osteoarthritis and lower back pain.

This technique is a preferred method of treatment for chiropractors because it is non-invasive and inexpensive relief for their patients. It is also favorable due to the wide range of ailments that it addresses, namely plantar fasciitis, muscle and ligament sprains all over the body, lower back pain, inflammation, and scar tissue. The trick is to match the proper frequency to the appropriate area of concern and the appropriate condition to be treated.

When specifically dealing with musculoskeletal issues, ultrasound therapy effectively softens scar tissue, relieves inflammation, and improves blood flow to encourage healing.

Sound waves are absorbed into the soft tissues in the hopes of stimulating affected areas through vibration. This requires multiple and consistent application to be effective. It is also typically used in conjunction with other methods of treatment like acupuncture and massage.

Thermal and Non-Thermal Effects

Heat deep in the tissues decreases pain and increases blood flow to and the elasticity of muscles and ligaments. It also primes the affected area to be more receptive to subsequent exercises and manual stretching.

Energy introduced into the tissues by ultrasound creates gas bubbles on a microscopic level that alternately contract and expand, which speeds cellular activity and enhances the healing process.

Excellent Chiropractic Care in Boise

If you want excellent chiropractic care in the Boise community and surrounding areas of Idaho visit the Idaho Chiropractic Group. When you visit us we use the best technology to give you relief. Call 208-343-6900 to schedule an appointment and get the care you deserve.
